

Tax-deductible endowment contributions, large or small, are combined into the Named Endowments pool. It is invested to provide maximum earnings, while protecting the principal against inflation. The pool has grown to over $31MM since the inception of the Foundation. Earnings are allocated to each fund then distributed as specified by the endowment agreements.

By safeguarding permanent funds and growing the principal with new gifts, Oklahoma Disciples Foundation will be able to distribute much needed income to many different ministries. From providing seed money for a fledgling new church to sending a young child to camp or helping a student prepare for the ministry, a Named Endowment fund serves as a perpetual legacy. Individuals and churches can establish an Endowment Fund or contribute to an existing one and help to make an ongoing difference in countless ways.

Each year, ODF requests the beneficiaries of our endowment funds to certify that the monies distributed the previous year have been used in accordance with the requirements of the individual endowment. Click here to view and download the brief certification form to be completed and returned to the Foundation (via email to pfraim@okdfdn.org).

Click any endowment fund link for a brief description of the fund and the year it was established.
Note: Funds shown in bold, blue font benefit the ODF Grants Program.

Endowment Funds that Provide for Programs of the Christian Church in Oklahoma.
Campsites and Programming for youth


Specific Area Ministries

Funds that Provide for CONGREGATIONS, Institutions & Missions Related to the Christian Church

Endowment Funds that Provide for the ODF Grants Program

Endowment Funds that Provide for Oklahoma Disciples Foundation, Inc.

Memorial Funds & Funds with Multiple Beneficiaries

Note: Funds shown in bold, blue font benefit the ODF Grants Program.
Endowment Agreement template