Grant Information

2025 Grants

The 2025 ODF grant cycle is completed. ODF awarded nearly $168,000 to grantees requesting more than $410,000 in funds. The list of programs and churches receiving 2025 ODF grant funds will be available here soon. If you are a 2025 grant recipient, a downloadable financial reporting template will be aviailable soon to report use of grant funds following expenditure of funds. All reports are due on or before December 15, 2025. Email completed reports to

Grant Program History

When the Grants Program was implemented in 2017, nine permanent endowments provided funding of more than $50,000 to the program. Today, 17 permanent endowment funds and individual gifts benefit the Grants Program for various ministries, programs and missions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Oklahoma. Within this group, the Children, Youth and Young Adults Endowment provides a portion of grant funds for Oklahoma and Kansas Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) church youth programs. The remaining Grant Endowments support Oklahoma Disciples’ Church ministries locally and missions worldwide.

Since inception, the ODF Grants Program has allocated more than $900,000 to fund community feeding programs, refugee tutoring and foster care programs, children and youth mission trips and VBS programs, senior adult care programs, educational assistance for pastors, technology assistance for churches and a wide variety of other worthy programs.


Grant Committee

The Grant Committee consists of volunteer Disciples church members representing northeast, central, southern and western Oklahoma. Members include Oklahoma Disciples Foundation board members, ministers, retired ministers and lay leaders.

Savanah (Sam) Stanley

Savanah’s Legacy Fund

In 2021, a new Legacy Initiative within the Grants Program was established. The impetus for the Legacy Initiative is Savanah’s Legacy Fund, a permanent scholarship fund to provide annual tuition assistance for Oklahoma youth to attend a Disciples of Christ sponsored church camp in honor of Savanah (Sam) Michelle Stanley, established by her family.

Each year, family and friends celebrate Savanah’s life by sending gifts so children, who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford camp, can experience church camp. All gifts are tax-deductible.

Read Savanah’s Story

Grant Giving Gifts

ODF’s Grants Program has touched the hearts of individual donors who have seen the great needs within Oklahoma. One couple donated $5,000 as matching funds to help feed the insecure in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Disciples Foundation matched the couple’s donation with another $5,000, making $10,000 matching funds available to 2021 and 2022 feeding program grantees. Other donors have given unrestricted gifts directly to the grants program each year.

Every penny of these grant gifts directly funds those churches submitting grant applications. Please consider making an unrestricted gift to Grant Program Giving.

Donate Now

Annual Awards

Click the prior year details of funding, programs and churches receiving ODF Grants.

2023, 20222021202020192018, 2017.

The Foundation is grateful for the many donors and churches that have supported the Foundation and the Grants Program.

Oklahoma Disciples Foundation

300 NW 70th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73116-7804

Phone: (405) 525-6530


Your Support is Appreciated

Thanks to your generous contributions we continue to grow, and “Together We Touch Lives.” We are a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Your tax-deductible gift is most appreciated!

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