Grant Application

Application Instructions

Applications will be accepted from Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Churches in Oklahoma and Kansas. Kansas applicants may only apply for programs relating to ministry and missions for children, youth and young adults up to age 35. Applications will also be accepted from non-profit institutions/organizations supported by or partnered with Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Churches in Oklahoma and Kansas.

Applications should be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 15 of any given year.

Apply using the online application form below. Be sure to click the “submit” button at the end to submit application. If you can’t complete the application in one sitting, there is a “save and continue” button at the end of the application. You must enter your email after clicking the save and continue button. You will then receive an email with a link to your partially completed application to continue filling out at a later time. After submitting the application, you will receive an email confirmation along with a copy of your application. Be sure to check your spam or junk email folders for emails and links.

The application requires the signature of the applicant and a certification that the pastor or regional minister overseeing the program has knowledge of the application. If your church does not have a pastor, check the no pastor box.

For questions or assistance, please call 405.525.6530.

Important Information

• ODF does not support loans to private individuals, requests to discharge debts, endowments to other entities or grants to entities that do not use the funds for the intended purpose.
• In some cases, ODF may offer partial funding for a proposal, based on the available funding.
• Previous grant funding does not guarantee future grant funding.
A final Grant Report is due to the Foundation within 60 days following the event or program, or before December 15. Reports must provide a financial summary/accounting of how the ODF Grant funds were spent, or if not used, an explanation of why and whether the funds will be spent by February 28 the following year.
• Any grant funds not spent by February 28 must be returned to ODF the first week in March for inclusion in the next grant cycle. (If an annual event/program is not held due to a global pandemic or similar occurrence, the Grant Committee/ODF may request the grantee return funds to the Foundation for placement in a Foundation holding account until the event occurs the following year.)
• Endowment descriptions that fund the Grants Program are listed on the ODF website at
• A list of estimated grant funds available per category will be posted on the website in early February.
• Grantees are required to submit an annual project progress report based on the metrics described in their application. This report is due to the Foundation on or before December 15. If all funds are not used by the December 15 reporting, then a final report must be submitted after all funds are expended, but no later than February 28.
• A downloadable annual report template is available on the ODF website at
• In order to promote the Grants Program and grantees, ODF reserves the right to publish submitted grant summaries, testimonies, photographs/videos, grant award amounts and program names for publication on social media, the ODF website/newsletters and with fellow Disciple churches.

Application Review & Scoring

  1. ODF staff will review each application to determine appropriate endowment categories for funding. Criteria are outlined in the various endowment agreements that fund the separate categories of the Grants Program. Kansas Disciples are only qualified to receive funding under the Children, Youth and Young Adults category due to endowment criteria. Grant Committee members and staff will individually review and score each application prior to the Committee’s meeting in mid-March. Staff will add scores to a spreadsheet to provide ranking, mean and medium information to the Grant Committee. This is just a reference tool for the Committee if a question arises.
  2. The Grant Committee will meet by mid-March to discuss and award grant funding.
  3. Grant notification letters and/or checks will be mailed by April 1 to the attention of the Church Pastor at the Church mailing address listed on the application. Checks will be made out to the church with the program denoted in the memo line. Pastors are responsible for providing copies of grant letters to the appropriate individuals within the church. Churches are encouraged to deposit checks as soon as possible so ODF can account for the disbursements during April.

The following details the rubric used by the Grant Committee to quantitatively score and rank grant applications.

Project Design and Innovation
Project’s purpose, goals, and plans are clearly outlined. Activities are well-defined and linked to the project’s goals. The project is thoroughly developed, including a plan of work, personnel involved, qualifications, and a timeline for accomplishment.

Knowledge of Community Need
Community or organizational need is clear, well-researched, and at the center of the project’s activities. Proposed project creates innovative solutions and is not a duplication of efforts of another group. Activities engage and empower the individuals the project involves.

Impact and Outcomes
Proposal addresses both long-term and short-term impact with the community and individuals involved. Organization has a plan for measuring results and the metrics are applicable. The project increases the organization’s ability to bring the message of Christ.

Sustainability Efforts
Organization has the expertise or has partnered with an organization with the expertise to successfully support the project. Plans to support the project in the future are convincing and thought out. The project can be replicated to benefit additional communities.

Financial Information
The proposed budget is accurate, cost effective, and linked to activities and outcomes. The ODF portion of the project is distinct and able to be completed even if other funding is not secured. The project recognizes and takes advantage of existing resources and assets.

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