Total Funds Distributed
Distributed via Direct Grants
Every year, in February, the Foundation’s board of directors meets to approve the payment to beneficiaries of named endowment earnings for the previous year. Over the last ten years (2015-2024), these distributions from the named endowment funds have totaled over $5.7 million, averaging more than $575,372 per year.

ODF distributions benefit a variety of ministries and programs of the Christian (Disciples of Christ) Church in Oklahoma, as shown in the pie chart. These programs and ministries include seniors, the Region, Regional Areas, camps, and more.
In 2024, multiple endowment distributions totaled over $107,000 for grants; together with additional contributions and escrowed grant funds, ODF’s grants committee awarded more than $134,000 in March 2024. Click here to review a complete list of named endowments.
- The ‘congregation’ category refers to endowment funds established to benefit specific churches, as well as missions of some of those churches
- ‘Institutions’ refers to, for example, Phillips Theological Seminary and other educational organizations.
- There are several named endowment funds which have been established to benefit the Foundation itself, allowing us to operate, as well as conduct an extensive grants program.
From 12/31/19 to 12/31/23, the principal invested in named endowments has increased 74.49% while FMV (fair market value) has increased 79.20%; see line graph below. And our audited financial statements show a growth in total assets; see bar graph below.